๐ŸŽฎWo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

  • Fans: 103

  • Hearts: 103

โœจ Score
Critic reviews

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty took the Nioh formula and expanded upon it, cutting out the unnecessary parts. Itโ€™s a game that is graphically impressive, fun, challenging, and feels complete.

Added by German1991

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a dark fantasy take on the Three Kingdoms. The difficulty is high, almost seeming insurmountable at first, but part of what makes Wo Long great is how the difficulty isnโ€™t unfair.

Added by Gophers

Wo Long is a game that I suspect is going to be truly adored by the usual crowd of people who get very excited about games that secretly hate them and want to see them die. If you love Nioh, Sekiro, or indeed Ninja Gaiden, youโ€™ll eat this adventure..

Added by clark73

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is an excellent action RPG that offers an even more hardcore take on the increasingly popular Soulslike formula. It's fast, frenetic, and hits like a truck, with one of the most mesmeric combat systems we've ever had...

Added by modestoRG

Wo Long is a brilliant game, but it isnโ€™t perfect. The gameโ€™s camera loathes walls and tight spaces and canโ€™t always track the action precisely. There are issues with minor bugs and scenery pop in, and I had one instance of a boss throwing...

Added by bobby

CONS 22%
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