Pistol Whip


graphics The machines have never been more imposing

GAMEPLAY Boring sequences on foot

In that way, the whole ends up being less than the sum of its parts. I have a lot of good things to say about the visuals, sound, climbing and combat, but they are betrayed by a generic story...

by sal1981

90 Critic Reviews

music Great soundtrack

GAMEPLAY Dodging obstacles can be finicky

Pistol Whip is a transcendent experience. This brilliant rails shooter has the trappings of a rhythm game which helps to make an already sublime experience stand out that much further.

by coyS

GAMEPLAY Plenty of modifiers and options

GAMEPLAY Can be difficult at times

Pistol Whip is my favourite PSVR game of all time. The excitement of moving through the gorgeous levels whilst firing your gun in different directions, all whilst listening to an exhilarating soundtrack make it feel like nothing I’ve played before.

by beret

Regardless, the base game of Pistol Whip is great, and so it's no surprise that it has won various VR Game of the Year awards already. There are some definite drawbacks to playing it on PlayStation VR when compared to other systems...


GAMEPLAY Excellent rail shooter gameplay with a challenging rhythm mechanic

music The music tracks are too similar

I loved my time with Pistol Whip but it definitely has its issues. The biggest area for improvement which I constantly thought about is that it could use more gameplay variety.

by rixox

Pistol Whip is a triumph of game design. Rather than trying to wedge a bunch of mechanics onto a platform that doesn’t welcome them, Pistol Whip instead focuses on what makes VR fun – color, sound, and motion.


GAMEPLAY You feel like a badass gun-wielding gangster

GAMEPLAY The pistol whip doesn't always work properly

Altogether, Pistol Whip is likely to be the PlayStation VR game of the year. It’s simple concept works incredibly well and has few faults. If you’ve ever wanted to be John Wick, or any other badass gun-wielding gangster for that matter...

by nigodom

100 Gamer Reviews
