๐ŸŽฎOne Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey


One Piece Odyssey

  • Fans: 51

  • Hearts: 152

โœจ Score
Critic reviews

One Piece Odyssey is a fun enough diversion for hardcore fans with ample patience, but others won't find much to drive them through the conclusion.

Added by Atilla

No matter whether you're a hardcore One Piece fan or a complete newcomer, One Piece Odyssey is an utter joy of a JRPG. Its combat system remains incredibly enjoyable throughout, and new mechanics provide depth and strategy in droves.

Added by Gophers

One Piece Odyssey took on the tough task of being accessible to those who donโ€™t know the source material, while also catering to the fans of the franchise. At its heart, One Piece Odyssey is a love letter to the fans, but that doesnโ€™t stop from...

Added by Head-Knocker

One Piece Odyssey is a rousing adventure thanks to its engaging combat, liberating character customization, and beautiful environments. Sometimes, design choices limit player agency, but the effect rarely lasts long.

Added by DevilBlade

One Piece Odyssey is first and foremost made for longtime followers of the manga and anime. That said, there is enough backstory and information to keep the casual gamer engaged.

Added by Nintendos

๐Ÿ‘ Pros and Cons
CONS 22%
๐Ÿง™ Characters
๐Ÿ˜ Fan Community
  • Genre: action RPG
  • Platform: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Xone, PC