๐ŸŽฎNeptunia: Sisters VS Sisters

Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters


Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters

  • Fans: 23

  • Hearts: 67

โœจ Score
Critic reviews

The action combat system in Sisters VS Sisters is a disappointment, and while itโ€™s not so bad that it will prevent you from finishing the game, it is incredible that the developers at Idea Factory donโ€™t just stick to a turn-based system...

Added by SpiderFuji

Although the shift to a more action-oriented combat system initially made me hesitant, I ended up loving every second of Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters once it all clicked. Plus, the meta-humour and lovely cast of characters are more delightful...

Added by beret

Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters has some fun ideas and absolutely beautiful visuals, but with an incredibly flawed combat system that fails to learn from its predecessors, we're ultimately left with another clunky spinoff that fails to move...

Added by SnowHound

If youโ€™ve been waning on the Neptunia series recently, this one is worth picking up. While it doesnโ€™t necessarily redefine the series as we know it, its distinct strengths can be used as a building block for future games to flourish consistently.

Added by beret

Devout Neptunia fans keen for another outlandish escapade to lose themselves in will no doubt get some enjoyment out of Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters. Thereโ€™s little here for anyone else, though.

Added by beret

๐Ÿ‘ Pros and Cons
CONS 16%

    Sluggish combat that somehow feels worse than prior entries

    by thesixthaxis.com

    Dungeons can get repetitive due to sections that are clearly copied and pasted

    by videochums.com
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