84 Recensioni della Critica

91 Recensioni dei Gamer

GAMEPLAY The fights have been greatly improved compared to the original

GAMEPLAY As far as the graphics are concerned, more could and should have been daring

Bought on PSP in 2008 and bought back on steam in 2022 (14 years later... WOW). One of the best chapters of the Final Fantasy saga. They could have used the FFVII graphics engine, the one used in this Crisis Core is still valid: the protagonists are quite satisfactory, as are expressions and effects, some settings and the kinematics show more than a few years behind them.


musica Audio upgrade are impressive

While Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion isn't perfect, it does a great job of updating the original title and giving it a modernized feel. Its story is still very human and touching, while its gameplay, graphics, and audio upgrade are impressive. The game is easy to recommend to both new and old players. Despite the game's flaws, Crisis Core is a must-have for any Final Fantasy fan.