

story Un mondo vasto, affascinante, epico.

technical Sporadici cali di frame rate se giocato su TV.

C’è del misticismo sfrenato in Breath of the Wild: quella sorta di scossa che accende i sensi e che ti porta a credere che se esiste un dio dei videogiochi, forse ha davvero la faccia di Shigeru Miyamoto.


69 Critic Reviews

graphics Athia is a world I want to explore

technical Performance issues plague Forspoken, never providing a stable experience

In the end, Forspoken is okay, with its world, parkour, and combat as its high points. And while I didn’t thoroughly enjoy the story, I want to see Ella Balinksa as Frey again in a sequel as her performance...


story Excellent and engaging story

GAMEPLAY Rooting during dialogue moments slows the pace

Forspoken is an urban-come-high-fantasy open-world, action-adventure game played in the third person. Combining magic and parkour, you take on the role of Frey as she learns to understand her new abilities in a strange world that needs saving from...


C’è stato un momento in cui abbiamo davvero temuto per la buona riuscita di Fospoken, che a causa di una comunicazione non proprio cristallina da parte del publisher ha spesso finito per farci provare sensazioni contrastanti.


GAMEPLAY Cool magic system

story Boring, poorly paced story

Forspoken is an isekai, a subgenre of fantasy where a character is suddenly transported to an unfamiliar world. It's a popular anime trope, though there are plenty of examples in the west, such as Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland...


GAMEPLAY Engaging combat

Forspoken feels like a test that was turned in with answers missing, returned with a big red “Finish Your Work” inked at the top. So much of the game feels like unrealized potential, a big, messy first draft.

by Burn

GAMEPLAY Satisfying combat that constantly keeps you on the move.

story Story squanders its potential.

Forspoken is an average action RPG. Its themes are hamstrung by a poorly paced narrative that almost feels like a speedrun by the midway point. Coupled with uninspired quest design and checklist points of interest across the open world...


graphics The visual effects of the major spells

story Inconsistent story, with brainless activities

If Forspoken had been a tech demo, it would have been amazing. As a game it is just a collection of inexplicable decisions that ruin the entire experience. The game - just as its hero - does not have a clearly defined identity...

by LadyRed

Forspoken isn’t without its hiccups…Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time with Forspoken’s focal storyline…The relationship between the two main characters never ceases to entertain, and the gameplay is enjoyable.

by R-emory

GAMEPLAY Incredible movement and combat mechanics

story Story plays it too safe

Forspoken is an incredible title. Although the story suffers from being a bit too generic, the gameplay is inventive, magical, and an absolute blast. This is a game I’ll come back to again and again just to move around and exist...

by R-emory

In the cut-throat race for your attention, Forspoken feels like a new IP that’s trying to run full pelt alongside heavy-hitting franchises from other big publishers. But it ploughs, shin-first, through every hurdle along the way.

by R-emory

graphics A great line can make magical parkour look and feel cool, but it doesn't happen often

graphics World design and level design is appalling

Add to this a less-than-likeable Frey who barely manages to endear herself upon the player, and even less likeable NPCs and a bland, bland game-world I have no desire to learn more about...

by R-emory

Forspoken is a far better and more compelling game than I had feared, but it also doesn’t reach the heights I dreamt of. There is a lot of fun to be had exploring Athia and the main quest keeps things interesting even when you get bored...

by R-emory

GAMEPLAY Exhilarating magic-imbued parkour

GAMEPLAY Hugely underwhelming content and activities

Forspoken is a fun action game that shines best when you're taking advantage of the great magic parkour to soar through the fantasy world of Athia and blast enemies with overwhelmingly cool spells.

by R-emory

68 Gamer Reviews

GAMEPLAY Spells are fun to use

story Trivial and boring story, total disappointment

Forspoken is a fantasy adventure game based on a modern day person who travels to a magical land. It features an open world where players have to overcome obstacles to reach the goal. Forspoken's story revolves around a young woman who was abandoned when she was born. During a visit to a pawn shop, she finds a mysterious cuff, and she is pulled into an adventure to save the world. The world of Athia is a magical realm, which is being destroyed by a twisted force called the Break. As she explores, Frey learns that she is the key to saving the world. But she has to defeat various creatures corrupted by the Break. While the game has good traversal and combat mechanics, it is plagued with a weak narrative and unlikable protagonist. Despite its best qualities, Forspoken fails to convey important plot points through dialogue or facial expressions. At times, the animation is dreadful. And while the graphics are attractive, the environments are bland and don't offer much in the way of personality. However, if you enjoy open world action RPGs, you might enjoy Forspoken's magical combat system. Forspoken's gameplay is solid, with a strong emphasis on combat and exploration. Although the narrative lacks heart, it does offer plenty of activity to keep you engaged. In addition, the combat is easy enough to pick up and play, making it fun to try.