The most durable characters of 2025
Top 25 most durable characters

15 Kim Kaphwan durability: 60%
Kim's fighting style and charisma are unmatched
Whistler 2023-05-13 08:37:59

7 รngel durability: 65%
Love is in the air Everywhere I look around Love is in the air Every sight and every sound
LadyGranate 2023-05-28 07:44:20

6 Shermie durability: 66%
Shermie and her charm... LOVE!
TroubledChick 2023-05-27 13:37:00

4 Mai Shiranui durability: 67%
I will be too trivial but for me the best is definitely Mai Shiranui!
tebopar 2023-05-27 13:34:43

Weekly durability tournament
Round of 16

SephirothVs Orochi Shermie

Mai ShiranuiVs Shermie

K'Vs Juri Han

รngelVs Leona Heidern

HaohmaruVs Antonov

Kula DiamondVs Ryo Sakazaki

Benimaru NikaidoVs Ada Wong

Zack FairVs Athena Asamiya

Last participants
- ๐ Athena Asamiya2024-11-09
- ๐ Athena Asamiya2024-11-07
- ๐ Athena Asamiya2024-11-03
- ๐ Haohmaru2024-10-31
- ๐ Shermie2024-10-28
- ๐ Shermie2024-10-27
- ๐ Sephiroth2024-10-23
- ๐ Haohmaru2024-10-21
- ๐ Leona Heidern2024-10-19
- ๐ Ada Wong2024-10-15