graphics Presentazione audiovisiva pregevole
story Trama non sempre coinvolgente
Tra novità e perfezionamenti vari, il sistema di combattimento di Fire Emblem Engage risulta perfettamente levigato e appassionante. Non tutta la campagna è prodiga di colpi di scena e l’ombra della socializzazione a tutti i costi potrebbe...
70 Critic Reviews
GAMEPLAY Team Customization
GAMEPLAY Inconsistent Online League Experience
Blood Bowl 3 has many things going right for it in my opinion. The in-depth combat system provides layers of difficulty that you can’t just breeze through games. It is very well written and with the voices that come from the characters...
A remarkably fluid adaptation of a tremendously complex tabletop game, Blood Bowl 3 promises a great digital home for Blood Bowl’s massive multiplayer community, and the most approachable onboarding experience for new players yet.
Blood Bowl 3 is undoubtedly the best new way to experience Blood Bowl. It is filled with character, brimming with options, and has plenty of depth for players to explore and toy around with.
Blood Bowl players no longer have to make their own fun. Tournament creation is easier than ever, cosmetic upgrades are plentiful and varied, and the core game is the same as ever.