graphics Beautiful visuals
technical Some questionable voice acting
I could go on and on about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It’s Nintendo firing on all cylinders. Like an interactive studio Ghibli film, it’s at times stunning to look at. It plays incredibly well with challenging, exciting combat and...
87 Critic Reviews
graphics Amazing pixel art and visual style
GAMEPLAY Gameplay can be bland
A Space for the Unbound is a mesmerising adventure. Dive into people’s minds and experience so much of Indonesian youth and culture through the eyes of Atma and Raya’s clash with the end of the world.
A Space for the Unbound gently reminds us of the value and importance of human connection through our words with dream-like, mindful storytelling.
A Space for the Unbound only looks pixels deep, but it is a masterpiece for its breadth of storytelling, its authenticity, and how it tackles difficult topics, from cultural expectations to mental health.
Overall, A Space For The Unbound is a powerful narrative adventure title. Its story is a strong driving force thanks to its characters and overarching mystery, and although its gameplay is relatively straightforward the Space Dive mechanic...